Bircher Muesli

If you want to enjoy this muesli for a delicious and healthy breakfast, you have to start it the night before.

250 g organic oats
30 g red quiona, toasted in a frying pan with a little sunflower oil
50 g dried apricots, chopped
50 g dates, pitted and chopped
500 ml -1 liter milk
250 g natural yoghurt
1-2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon demarara sugar
1 large apple, grated

Place the oats, quiona, chopped apricots, dates, cinnamon and sugar in a bowl. Add the milk and yoghurt and stir to combine.

Grate in the apple and mix it through immediately to prevent the apple from discolouring. Cover with cling wrap and place in the fridge overnight.

Before serving, give the muesli a good stir and add some extra milk to slacken it slightly. Serve in bowls with fresh berries, bananas, seeds or whatever else you like or have in the store cupboard.

We, the Amsterdam Flavours chefs, hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we do. If you have any questions on how to prepare it or just want to send us your feedback, you can reach us here Contact Amsterdam Flavours



From 1 to 30 april this year something new is taking place in Amsterdam. The pop up Melksalon (Milk Shop) opens its doors! This temporary pilot and design store brings consumers, dairy farmers, dairy processors, designers and scientists together to rediscover the value of milk. There will be lectures, organized design sessions, movie nights and city walks. Chefs will also provide a series of special dinners. At the same time the Melksalon is a store and milk bar where you can walk in and taste different kinds of milk.

History and background
On 1 april, the European milk quota, which restricts the amount of milk that dairy farmers can produce was lifted. The Melksalon pop-up store also facilitates, at the perfect moment, a dialogue as to the relevance of milk in today's modern society.

Around 1900 many milk parlours were found on the streets of Amsterdam, where the city's inhabitants enjoyed a glass of milk from local farmers. Nowadays, we buy milk from the supermarket, but milk has always played an important role in Dutch history, (food) culture, the economy, innovation and the landscape. Yet, few realise the rich influence milk has had. Milk in the supermarket is often an anonymous bulk product. At the same time, there is a strong public debate going on about the consumption of milk, the influence on the environment and landscape, and the price one pays.

We enjoyed a tasting of 4 different milks, each with their own flavour, sweetness and richness. We also tried the steamed buns, made using a milk-based dough, the one filled with a braised Asian beef and the other with sweet peas.

A great new addition to Amsterdam. Go and visit while it still lasts.

For more information, please visit Melksalon.

Brandrood Cheese

Brandrood cattle are an old Dutch breed. The cattle is farmed on the Kernhem estate in Ede.

All milk produced by these magnificent animals is turned into cheese. It produces a hard cheese weighing 11 - 18kg and aged for at least 6 months under special conditions.

Brandrood are real, pure cows, characteristics that are also found in the cheese they produce. It is an original cheese with a natural rind and a pronounced soft nutty flavour with a lasting after taste.

This cheese available from Lindenhoff.

For more information please visit Brandrood kaas.