Roasted Chicken Wings with Blue Cheese Dip and Apple-Celery Slaw

Feel-good weekend food!


Serves 2

500g chicken wings
50ml hot chilli sauce
1 head celery
1 apple
1 small red onion
50g blue cheese
125ml crème fraiche
2-3 tablespoons mayonnaise
about 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
salt and pepper

Preheat the oven to 200° C. Mix the chicken wings together with the chilli sauce in a roasting dish and season with salt. Place in the oven and roast for 30-40 minutes.

Mash the blue cheese with a fork and stir through the créme fraiche. Season with salt and pepper and a splash of white wine vinegar, if required.

Finely slice the celery on the diagonal. Slice the apple into thin strips (julienne), and finely slice ½ the red. Mix these ingredients together with the mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar, salt and pepper.

Take a wooden board or serving dish. Place on a bowl of blue cheese dip, the apple-celery slaw and pile up the chicken wings. Dig in!!



voor 2 personen

500g  kipvleugels
50ml chilisaus
1 stronk bleekselderij
1 grote appel
1 kleine rode ui
50g blauwe kaas
125ml crème fraiche
2-3 eetlepels mayonaise
ongeveer 2 eetlepels witte wijnazijn
zout en peper

Verwarm de oven op 200° C. Meng de kipvleugels met de chilisaus en wat zout en doe ze in het ovenschaaltje, rooster voor 30 tot 40 minuten.

Maak de blauwe kaas fijn met een vork en meng de crème fraiche er doorheen. Breng op smaak met zout en peper en een scheutje witte wijnazijn, indien nodig.

Snijd de bleekselderij schuin in dunne plakjes. Snijd de appel in dunne reepjes ( julienne), ½ van de rode ui in dunne ringetjes. Meng dit alles in een kom met de mayonaise, 1 eetlepel witte wijnazijn, zout en peper.

Neem een plank of schaal en plaats kommetje met blauwe kaasdip, appel/bleekselderij “slaw” en kipvleugels er bovenop. Geniet!!

Rocket and Blue Cheese Soup

And easy, fresh and vibrant soup is given a zing with the addition of blue cheese.


Serves 2

1 clove garlic
1 shallot
350g rocket leaves
50g butter
1 organic vegetable stock cube
100g blue cheese
125g crème fraiche
2 floury potatoes
3 tablespoons olive oil
salt and pepper

Finely chop the garlic clove and shallot. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. Dissolve the vegetable stock cube in 1,2 liters hot water. Crumble the blue cheese.

Heat a pan over medium heat with 3 tablespoons olive oil and the butter and sweat the shallot for 3 minutes. Add the garlic clove and fry for a further 1 minute.

Add the stock and potatoes and bring to the boil. Cook for 15 minutes until soft.

Add the rocket and three-quarters of the blue cheese and bring to the boil. Blend the soup with a stick blender or blender until smooth and season with salt and pepper.

Reheat the soup and spoon into a bowls. Dollop on some crème fraiche and sprinkle over the remaining blue cheese.

Delicious served with sourdough bread


voor 2 personen

1 teentje knoflook
1 sjalotje
350g rucola
50g boter
1 biologisch groentenbouillonblokje
100g blauwe kaas
125g creme fraiche
2 kruimige aardappels
3 eetlepels olijfolie
zout en peper

Snijd het sjalotje en knoflook fijn en los het groentenbouillonblokje op in 750 ml warm water. Schil de aardappels en snijd in stukjes. Kruimel de blauwe kaas.

Verwarm een pan op medium vuur met 3 eetlepels olijfolie en de boter en bak het sjalotje 3 minuten. Voeg de knoflook toe en bak nog een 1 minuut.

Voeg daarna de bouillon en aardappels toe en breng aan de kook. Kook 15 minuten totdat de aardappels zacht zijn.

Voeg de rucola en drie-kwart van de blauwe kaas toe en breng aan de kook. Pureer de soep glad met een staafmixer of in een blender en breng op smaak met zout en peper.

Warm de soep voorzichtig op en verdeel over kommen. Schep een lepeltje creme fraiche op de soep en kruimel de resterende blauwe kaas er overheen.

Heerlijk geserveerd met zuurdesembrood

Pear bread

600 g - 1kg strong white bread flour
1 x 7 g sachet of dried yeast
300 g strong white bread flour
350 g strong white bread flour , plus extra for dusting
oil , for greasing
1 fresh conference pear, peeled
1 small bunch fresh thyme
  1. For the starter, combine 200g of the flour with 200ml of lukewarm water in a non-metallic container – a glass jar is perfect. Leave it somewhere warm uncovered overnight.
  2. The following day, feed it by discarding half and adding a further 100g of flour and 100ml of lukewarm water.
  3. Repeat this feeding process each day until you see bubbles throughout the mixture (this is where a glass jar comes in handy). It will take a few days, possibly more, for the mixture to pick up the natural airborne yeasts and really start living. Don’t lose hope, it will happen!
  4. Removing 100g of the starter to make your loaf, chill the rest, covered but with a hole for it to breathe. You’ll need to feed this once a week – bring it up to room temperature first, allow it to bubble up, then recede (somewhere warm) for 30 minutes to 1 hour, then return it to the fridge within an hour or so. A liquid layer may develop on top, called hooch; stir it in if you like, or pour it off.
  5. To make the sponge, bring the 100g of starter up to room temperature.
  6. Combine the 300g flour and ½ teaspoon of sea salt in a bowl, then add 300ml of warm water and the starter.
  7. Cover with a towel and leave it to rise somewhere warm for 3 to 4 hours, or until doubled in size.
  8. In the meantime, top up the starter with 50g of flour and 50ml of lukewarm water (the weight you removed), allow it to bubble up and down as in step 3, then return it to the fridge.
  9. Either use your sponge straight away or chill it, covered, overnight.
  10. Now to make the sourdough bread. Bring the sponge up to room temperature (if needs be), combine it with the flour and 2 teaspoons of salt, then turn it out onto a floured surface.
  11. Knead for 10 minutes, or until smooth and elastic. Put the dough in a lightly oiled bowl, cover and leave to rise in a warm place for 2 to 3 hours, or until doubled in size.
  12. Tip the dough onto a floured surface, knock out the air, then shape it into a round loaf, placing the pear inside on an oiled baking sheet.
  13. Wrap the thyme around as crown, over and prove for about 1 hour in a warm place, or until it doesn’t spring back when prodded.
  14. Preheat the oven to 220°C.
  15. When the dough is ready, place a tray of water in the base of the oven (this will help it develop a good crust) and score the top of the loaf with a sharp knife.
  16. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes until golden and sounds hollow when tapped. Cool on a wire rack.

Delicious served with blue cheese.