Roasted Pumpkin and Goats Cheese Risotto
A steaming bowl of oozy risotto. Doesn't that just make your mouth water? To this recipe we've added roasted butternut squash and goats cheese. We're sure it'll become a firm favourite in your house.
Serves 2
1 butternut squash
1 organic vegetable stock cube
30g butter
1 onion
1 stick celery
2 garlic cloves
1 bay leaf
4 sprigs fresh thyme
150g risotto rice
50g grated Parmesan
75g goat’s cheese
4 tablespoons olive oil
100ml white wine
salt and pepper
Preheat the oven to 200 °C. Peel the pumpkin and slice in half. Discard the seeds and cut into 2 cm cubes. Mix the pumpkin with 2 tablespoons olive oil in a roasting dish, season with salt and pepper and roast for about 20 minutes. Stir occasionally.
Dissolve the stock cube in a pan with 750 ml hot water. Keep warm over a low heat.
Finely chop the onion, celery and garlic. Heat the remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil and 1 cube butter in a pan. Add the onion and sweat until transparent (about 3 minutes). Add the celery, garlic, bay leaf and thyme leaves. Cook for a further 2 minutes.
Increase the heat slightly and add the rice. Cook, stirring continuously for 3 minutes. Add the wine and reduce until the pan is almost dry. Ladle the stock in, one spoon at a time, until it has been absorbed by the rice. Gently stir the rice every so often.
When the stock has been absorbed, add the next spoonful. Add half the pumpkin. The rice should take 15-17 minutes to cook through. Season with salt and pepper.
Turn off the heat. Add the remaining butter and most of the Parmesan. Cover the pan with a lid and allow to stand for 2 minutes.
Spoon the risotto into 2 bowls. Scatter with the remaining pumpkin and pieces of goat’s cheese.
Serve with good crusty bread or a green salad.
voor 2 personen
1 flespompoen
1 biologisch groenten bouillonblokje
30g boter
1 ui
1 stengel bleekselderij
2 teentjes knoflook
1 laurierblad
4 takjes verse tijm
150g risottorijst
50g geraspte parmezaan
75g geitenkaas
4 eetlepels olijfolie
100ml witte wijn
zout en peper
Verwarm de oven voor op 200°C. Schil de flespompoen en snijd deze door de helft. Verwijder de zaadjes en snijd in stukjes van 2 cm. Meng de pompoen met 2 eetlepels olijfolie in een ovenschaal, bestrooi met zout en peper en rooster in de oven voor ongeveer 20 minuten. Roer af en toe om.
Los het bouillonblokje op in een pan met 750 ml warm water, houd tegen de kook aan op het vuur.
Snijd de ui en bleekselderij fijn, hak de knoflook fijn. Verwarm de overgebleven 2 eetlepels olijfolie en de helft van de boter in een pan, voeg de ui toe. Laat deze zachtjes smoren totdat deze glazig zijn (ong. 3 minuten). Voeg de bleekselderij, knoflook, laurier, blaadjes van de tijm toe. Kook nog eens 2 minuten.
Zet het vuur wat hoger en voeg de rijst toe. Roer ongeveer 3 minuten. Voeg de wijn toe en laat inkoken totdat het bijna verdampt is. Voeg de bouillon toe met een soeplepel, een lepel per keer, tot de rijst de bouillon heeft geabsorbeerd. Roer af en toe lichtjes.
Als de bouillon geabsorbeerd is, dan is het tijd voor de volgende lepel. Voeg de helft van de pompoen toe. Dit alles kost ongeveer 15-17 minuten. Breng op smaak met zout en peper.
Zet het gas uit. Voeg de resterende boter en een groot deel van de parmezaan aan de risotto toe. Plaats de deksel erop en laat 2 minuten staan.
Schep de risotto in 2 diepe borden of kommen. Bestrooi met de resterende pompoen en stukjes geitenkaas.
Serveer met lekker brood of groene salade.
Lentil Salad with Avocado and Goats Cheese
A delicious salad which combines both the end of winter and beginning of spring.
Serves 2
200g puy lentils
1 shallot
2 cloves garlic
1 bunch carrots
2 sticks celery
1,5 teaspoons caraway seeds
3 sprigs thyme
2 avocado's
1oo g soft goats cheese
75 g purslane
7 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons red wine- or sherry vinegar
Salt and pepper
Preheat an oven to 230° C. Finely chop 1 carrot, the shallot, garlic cloves and celery sticks. Peel the remaining carrots and cut lengthways in half. Place on a roasting tray with 3 tablespoons olive oil, salt, pepper and the caraway seeds and roast for 15 minutes.
Heat a pan over medium heat with 2 tablespoons olive oil and sweat the shallot, carrot and celery for 5 minutes. Add the garlic and fry for a further 1 minute. Add the thyme and lentils and enough water until the lentils are covered. Bring to the boil and simmer gently for about 15 minutes until the lentils are al dente.
Drain off any excess liquid and return the lentils to the pan. Season with 2 tablespoon olive oil, 2 tablespoons red wine – or sherry vinegar, salt and pepper. Set aside to cool off slightly.
Peel the avocado's and slice thinly. Crumble the goat’s cheese and remove any hard stalks from the purslane.
Mix the purslane through the lentils and spoon on to a plate. Place the sliced avocado on the side and top with the roasted carrots. Sprinkle over the crumbled goats cheese and serve.
Double-baked goat cheese Souffle
This is one of our go-to recipes for a light lunch of vegetarian main course. The beauty is that it can be made ahead of time and the last baking done just before serving. It's light and full of flavour.
For 4-6 ramekin moulds
40g butter
40g flour
250ml warmed milk (1 cup)
250g soft goat cheese, crumbled
3 eggs, separated
250ml cream (1 cup)
6 Tbsp grated firm goat cheese
Melt the butter, then stir in the flour until smooth. Gradually whisk in the warmed milk. Bring to the boil, still whisking. Remove from the heat and beat in the soft goat cheese. Beat in the egg yolks and seasoning to taste, then fold in the beaten egg whites.
Spoon into 4-6 well-buttered soufflé dishes and place in a baking pan of hot water. Bake at 220°C for 15-20 minutes, or until puffed and set. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely in their moulds. To bake a second time, lift the cooled soufflés out of their dishes into a buttered baking dish. Pour over the cream and generously sprinkle with the grated goats cheese. Bake at 230°C for 10 minutes or until puffed and golden.
We like to serve our souffles with a roasted beetroot. Here's the recipe:
Roasted beetroot salad
2kg mixed beetroot, washed
olive oil
garlic cloves, skin on
sprigs of rosemary and thyme
coarse sea salt and black pepper
Line a roasting tray with a double layer of aluminium foil, making show the there is an overhang on the sides. Lay the beetroot in. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle with the olive oil. Scatter over the garlic cloves and herbs.
Gather the ends of the foil together making a parcel to enclose the beetroot. Ensure that it’s not too tight as the beetroot won’t cook.
Place in a 220°C oven for at least and hour, depending on the size of the beetroot, until tender. Allow to cool slightly. Peel the beetroot and slice into a bowl. Season with some more salt and pepper, a good quality olive oil and an aged balsamic vinegar. Add some chopped parsley or tarragon to finish. Serve with the goats cheese soufflé.
Noordermarkt August 2014
Portabella Organic Mushrooms
Portabella is a market company specializing in mushrooms. Fresh, wild and organically grown mushrooms are available at the market stall throughout the year. Wild mushrooms and truffles are subject to seasonality and availability. The cultivated mushrooms are grown here in the Netherlands and can be enjoyed year round. Visit their stall and experience an array of mushrooms you never knew existed.
For more information please visit Portabella Paddestoelen
Scottish Kitchen
You want to have your own English tea but don't want the hassle of baking yourself?
You're looking for the most delicious scones and shortbread?
Then you need to visit the Scottish Kitchen at the Noordemarkt! You'll also find lemon curd, clotted cream, chutneys and many more cakes. All lovingly made by Stelle Robertson. Stelle trained in Scotland, where she learnt the basics of patisserie. She has also trained with some of the best here in Amsterdam and this is evident in the quality and assortiment on offer.
For more information please visit schotsekeuken
Raspberry Maxx
Carlo Peters and Henny van Bergeijk started their raspberry farm, Raspberry Maxx, in 2004. What started with a farm growing raspberries in the usual way, quickly turned into a completely organically certified company with delicious raspberries. But it does not stop there.
Raspberry Maxx has been creating dreams for a decade. Dreams of a world where people see nature as a source an inspiration and as a means to bring beautiful things to reality. The Raspberry Maxx events annually attract a host of visitors. As the demand for the raspberry Raspberry Maxx raspberries has grown, it was decided to sell directly to consumers through markets and online. That means a shorter farm-to-table chain with even fresher raspberries. An extension to the range with different raspberry products includes jams, muesli's and dried raspberries at events such as markets, open days and raspberry competitions.
You can find Raspberry Maxx at the Noordermarkt on Saturdays.
For more information please visit raspberry maxx
Wolverei goats cheese
Wolverlei is an ecological goat farm in Twente in the eastern part of Holland. In the meadows around the farm a hundred Swiss Saanen dairy goats graze. The fertile soil makes for perfect grazing.
In the modern dairy under extremely hygienic conditions, the goats milk is transformed, using a traditional French recipe, into the famous Wolverlei goats cheese.
The hundred Wolverlei goats are milked twice a day. The milk is automatically transported to the cooling tank via a closed system. The dairy is in a sterile area that meets with the strictest European rules. A sterile environment prevents contamination. The recipe for the soft cheeses originally comes from France. As an homage, many of them carry a French name.
They have a wide assortment of goats cheese, from fresh to aged, flavoured with herbs and spices to the delicious baby crotte de chèvre, which we particularly love. You can find Wolverlei goats cheese every Saturday at the Noordermarkt in Amsterdam.
For more information please visit Wolverlei goats cheese