Home made granola
Granola is so easy to make and the best thing is you can put in ingredients you like. Here’s our recipe, but feel free to play around with your own flavours.
Makes about 1kg
500g oats
100g hazelnuts, coarsley chopped
100g almonds, coarsley chopped
50g cashews
100g pecan nuts, coarsley chopped
25g sesame
25g sunflower seeds
25g pumpkin seeds
125g golden syrup
100g maple syrup
a good sprinkle of cinnamon
60g dried cranberries
60g raisins
60g dried apricots, roughly chopped.
60g prunes
Preheat an oven to 160 C.
Mix all the ingredients together, except for the dried fruit and divide between to oven trays which have been lined with baking paper. Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes or until everything becomes evenly golden coloured. Give it a mix every 10 minutes or so.
Remove from the oven, allow to cool and mix in the dried fruit. Store in an airtight container.
Delicious served over yoghurt with fresh or stewed fruit.