White Asparagus with Shiitake Mushrooms and Peas

If you're luck enough to have a bunch of 'white gold', here is a great alternative vegetarian recipe for you to try.


Serves 2

500g white asparagus
150g peas (fresh or frozen)
300g shitake mushrooms
1 shallot
1 vegetable stock cube
40ml mirin
1 small bunch chives
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 tablespoons soya sauce
salt and pepper

Peel the asparagus with a vegetable peeler, cut off the woody ends and discard. Place the asparagus in a pan with cold water and salt and bring to the boil. Turn off the heat and leave in the hot water for 5 minutes. Remove the asparagus from the water and drain well on a tea towel or kitchen paper. Cut the asparagus into 3 pieces.

Dissolve half the stock cube in 200 ml hot water. Remove the stalks from the shitake and cut them into quarters. Finely slice the shallot. Heat a wok over medium heat with 2 tablespoons olive oil and fry the shallot for 1 minute.

Bring a small pan with salted water to the boil. Add the peas, boil for 1 minute and drain off. Add the shitake to the wok and fry for 2 minutes. Add the asparagus and stir fry for a further 2 minutes.

Add the mirin, 3 tablespoons soya sauce and 100 ml stock to the wok and allow it reduce slightly. Finely chop the chives and sprinkle over the asparagus. Divide between 2 plates and serve.


voor 2 personen

500g witte asperges
150g doperwtjes (vers of diepvries)
300g shiitake paddenstoelen
1 sjalot
1 groenten bouillonblokje
40ml mirin
1 kleine bos bieslook
2 eetlepels 0lijfolie
3 eetlepels sojasaus
zout en peper

Schil de asperges met een dunschiller en snijd het onderste harde stukje eraf. Breng de asperges in een pan met koud water en zout  aan de kook. Zet het vuur af en laat ze 5 minuten staan.

Los de helft van het bouillonblokje op in 200 ml warm water. Haal de steeltjes van de shiitakes af en snijd ze in vieren. Snijd het sjalotje in dunne ringetjes. Verwarm een wok op medium vuur met 2 eetlepels olijfolie en bak sjalotje voor 1 minuut.

Breng een pannetje met water en zout aan de kook, doe de erwtjes erin en kook voor 1 minuut en giet af. Voeg shiitakes toe aan de wok en bak 2 minuten. Voeg asperges toe en wok nog eens 2 minuten.

Voeg mirin en sojasaus toe aan de wok en laat licht inkoken. Snijd bieslook fijn en strooi het over de asperges. Verdeel de asperges over 2 borden en serveer.

Fried Artichokes

4 artichokes
sunflower oil for deep fat for frying
5 salted anchovies
200 ml olive oil
freshly ground black pepper and salt

Heat the sunflower oil in a large pot or if you have a deep fat fryer, use that till the oil has reached 180° C.

Trim the hard outer leaves away from the artichoke and shave off the tough layer of the stalk. Fry the whole artichokes for about 10-15 minutes. Once golden brown and tender, remove from the oil and drain. Cut the artichokes in half, remove the hay from the centre and then press them between two plates.

Heat the olive oil in a small pot over a low heat. Fillet the anchovies, if necessary and rinse well under cold water to remove any excess salt.

When the the olive oil is warm add the anchovies and soften using the back of a fork until the anchovies break up, season well with salt and pepper.

Before serving, quickly refry the artichokes in the deep fat to reheat. Drain the artichokes on kitchen paper, season with salt and pepper and serve the anchovy sauce separately.

We, the Amsterdam Flavours chefs, hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we do. If you have any questions on how to prepare it or just want to send us your feedback, you can reach us here Contact Amsterdam Flavours